Títle: The Kybalion: A journey of life
Author: Lúcia Helena Galvão
Sobre o livro:
Travel is change. It´s to know other places and people, experience different situations and bring back another way of seeing the world. That´s the adventure of Hermes and Elijah, characters from the book THE KYBALION: A JOURNEY OF LIFE, who embark together on a journey in search of knowledge. Hermes, the more mature character, brings his experience and acts as a guide in this adventure. Elijah, the youngest, brings the doubts and concerns that are so necessary for growth. Going through the seven principles of THE KYBALION, wisdom from more than 3,500 years ago, learning playfully takes place in the adventure of reading. The book came about from a practice of studies aimed at the New Acropolis organization’s young audience, which is dedicated to philosophical studies, making Philosophy accessible to all ages. The different levels of comprehension of the text are part of the exercise, in which parents or teachers may perceive awareness flourishing in each stage of the children’s lives, in addition to their own transformations resulting from the studies with the youngsters. Thus, the book THE KYBALION: A JOURNEY OF LIFE proves to be a useful tool in the many stages of life, both for groups and for individuals.
Data de publicação: 13/07/2023
Nº de páginas: 50
Dimensões: 15x23
Idioma: Inglês
Classificação indicativa: >6 anos
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